Coaching Dashboard

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Use the Coaching Dashboard to do performance and improvement opportunity reviews with Agents. While considered historical reporting because reported data is an hour behind, it’s an effective tool to help you make data-backed feedback for Agents.

Curated specifically with Agent performance in mind, each report tile in the Coaching Dashboard allows people managers to focus on individual strengths and areas of opportunity.

Before you start

We recommend you review the following before using any OOTB dashboards.

  • Get a complete overview of the OOTB Dashboards.

  • Load the dashboard after choosing your filters to get the latest data.

  • Get familiar with Time Anchors. Every report tile in the dashboard uses a specific time anchor to aggregate data, so it’s important that you understand how this concept is utilized.

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Reports.

  3. Under the Agents category, click Coaching Dashboard. Coaching dashboard displaying agent performance metrics and contact fulfillment statistics.

  4. Set the dashboard filters.

    • Note – No additional filters are available aside from the ones available in each dashboard.

  5. Click the green Load button on the top right corner of the dashboard to refresh dashboard data bounded by the filter. Circular refresh icon indicating a reload or refresh action on a user interface.

    • Note – After the initial dashboard load, the Load button changes to a Refresh icon. Circular refresh icon indicating a reload or refresh action on a user interface.

If you change the filter, click the refresh again to reload the dashboard.

Coaching Dashboard tiles

The table below details each report tile available in the Coaching Dashboard.

Tile Name

Metric Used


Also available in

Contacts by Hour

Bucket Beginning

Beginning timestamp of the time grain (daily, weekly, etc.) chosen.

Contacts by Hour

Contact Fulfilled

Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact.

Agent Summary

Contacts by Hour

Active Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Active (not Away) in Gladly during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Contacts by Hour

Contacts Fulfilled by Hour

Ratio of “Contact Fulfilled” divided by “Active Time” for the given time bucket.

Contacts Missed by Channel*

Contact Missed

Count of times the Agent missed an offered Contact.

Agent Summary

Contacts Missed by Channel*


Channel of the Contact.

Contacts Fulfilled by Channel

Contacts Fulfilled

Count of times the Agent fulfilled a Contact.

Agent Summary

Contacts Fulfilled by Channel


Channel of the Contact.

Contacts Declined by Channel

Contact Declined

Count of times the Agent declined an offered Contact.

Agent Summary

Contacts Declined by Channel*


Channel of the Contact.

Agent Summary

Total Times Contact Transferred

Contact Transferred

Count of times the Agent transferred a Contact.

Agent Summary

Contact Transferred

Contact Transferred

Count of times the Agent transferred a Contact.

Agent Summary

Active, Away, and Logged In Time

Active Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Active (not Away) in Gladly during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Active, Away, and Logged In Time

Away Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in and Away in Gladly during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Active, Away, and Logged In Time

Logged In Time

Duration of time the Agent was logged in to Gladly during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Available Time

Available Time - Any

Duration of time the Agent was available for any channel type during the specified window. This will not double count the time the Agent was available for multiple channel types at the same time.

Agent Summary

Available Time

Available Time - Voice

Duration of time the Agent was available for Voice during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Available Time

Available Time - Messaging

Duration of time the Agent was available for Messaging during the specified window.

Agent Summary

Available Time

Available Time - Mail

Duration of time the Agent was available for Mail during the specified window.

Agent Summary


Occupied %

Average percentage of time that Agents are actively engaged in handling Customer interactions, such as calls, chats, or emails, compared to the total available time. Occupancy % may exceed 100% if Focus is not activated.

Agent Summary

Sample Coaching Dashboard use cases

Gain perspective on using the Coaching Dashboard as part of your performance evaluation toolbox. Let’s look at three examples using the report tiles below.

Active, Away, and Logged In Time

There are many ways to look at this report tile. For example, it can track schedule adherence or see anomalies compared to an Agent’s schedule. You can see if a particular Agent is taking the proper amount of breaks (Away time), and you may notice another Agent taking less or more than they should. It can also be used to see if they are staying Active for hours or if they should be available to receive Customers to help.

Contacts Fulfilled by Channel

Bar chart showing contacts fulfilled by various communication channels, highlighting email's dominance.

Is a particular Agent doing well in working on Customer requests from one Channel but has an opportunity to do better on another? This is a great report to see those statistics to start the discussion. You can combine this insight with another report tile like Contacts by Hour.

Contact Transferred

Graph showing total contact transfers over several days, peaking on April 19.

Is an Agent transferring Contacts more (e.g., phone calls) than other Agents? Are they transferring Contacts because they don’t know how to answer Customer questions or solve the issue (when they should be able to), so they transfer the Contact? This report can help.