Growl Notifications

Gladly currently limits the use of Growl notifications to Tasks and Notes. It's designed to call attention whenever you are mentioned (by typing @<name>) in a Task or Note. Growls appear on the top right corner of Gladly and remain visible for eight seconds before they go away or close. A maximum of four Growl notifications can appear at a time.

Task Growl

Notification indicating Sara Moore mentioned you in a task, with a prompt to view it.

  • If a Task is opened via a Growl notification, the Task mention update in the Notification Center is marked as read. If the Growl notification is ignored or closed, the Task mention update in the Notification Center remains unread.

Note Growl

Notification from Sara Moore mentioning you in a note with a link to view it.

  • If a Note is opened via a Growl notification, the Note mentions update in the Notification Center is marked as read. If the Growl notification is ignored or closed, the Note mentioning the update in the Notification Center remains unread.

Growl notifications do not appear on the Settings page

Growl notifications do not appear on the Settings page, but notifications that come while viewing the Settings page appear unread in the Notification Center.

Clicking Go to Note or Go to Task on the Growl notification takes you to the Task or Note. Clicking the X icon closes the notification.

Growl notification sound

A sound plays whenever a Mention triggers a Growl notification. This sound can be deactivated through the My Profile page (click the bubble with the initials) on the top right of the screen, then click Profile.

Under the Agent Notification Sound dropdown list, click No Sound.

Settings for agent notification sound with options for basic and no sound.