Are you launching Chat for the first time? If so, we collected a short checklist of items to review and configure to ensure you can handle your chat volume as efficiently as possible.
Test Chat
Use the Chat checklist related to chat inbound/outbound to ensure everything works correctly.
Make sure you visually test Glad App post-deployment on your website.
Check any Answers associated with Quick Actions for typos.
Check basic Chat settings
Confirm which SLA to use: Inbox or Entry Point SLA. Unless SLA is configured in the Entry Points settings page for the chat, Inbox SLA is the default.
Review your Office Hours and Chat Unavailable Message settings in Glad App. It should reflect the message you want to display to Customers when they click the Chat button outside your normal operating hours when Chat is unavailable.
Route to Agents
Ensure that your Chat Entry Points are directed to the correct Inboxes on the Entry Points settings. Be sure to staff the Inboxes where you direct your chats with Agents trained to receive chats. Also, make sure Agents know how to make themselves available for Chat.
Review your Messaging settings and make any necessary updates. If this is an entirely new Channel to Agents, set the minimum concurrency to one or two; the maximum of five. If it is not a new Channel, set the minimum concurrency to three and the maximum to seven to 10.
Manage volume
Consider adjusting your Chat throttle settings to control the volume of incoming chats your Agents receive.
Monitor performance and plan for improvements
Use the Contact Summary report to know how many chats you were offered, handled, and fulfilled.
Use the Agent Summary Glance report to know how many chats Agents missed or declined to help them acclimate to the new Channel.
Revisit your Messaging settings when Agents start to acclimate to working in the Chat Channel and adjust the number of concurrent chats they can handle.
Check out the Glad App Search report to understand what Customers are searching for and what Public Answers you need to tweak, create, or remove. Use this information to update Quick Actions as questions your Customers most commonly ask evolve.