Create and Edit Audiences

Administrator, Team Manager, or Answer Administrator
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Create and configure Audiences to expose Answers from different brands, business units, or segments that Agents can easily find and use when helping Customers. Audiences can also surface brand/segment-specific content in Help Centers and Glad Apps.

Before you start

Before you create Audiences, we recommend that you first review the following:

  • Read what Audiences are used for.

  • Newly added Audiences are not automatically linked to Answers.

  • You can link one Audience per Help Center or Glad App instance.

  • An Audience can't be deleted once added.

Create an Audience

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under Answers, click Audiences. The Audiences page will show you a list of Audiences currently available.

  4. Click Create Audience.

  5. Enter a name for the Audience. Use a name that will allow your Agents to recognize this particular audience easily.

    • Tip – You'll get an error if the name already exists.

  6. Click Create Audience.

  7. The new Audience is immediately added to the Audiences settings page.

  8. Because the newly added Audience is not yet linked to any Answer, the Audiences page will show "0" in the In Answers, In Help Centers, and In Glad Apps columns.

  9. At this point, you can start associating Answers, Help Centers, and Glad Apps with Audiences. Once associated, the Audiences page reflects how often the Audience is used across Answers, Glad Apps, or Help Centers (see columns).

    • Once the Audience is used In Answers, Help Centers, or Glad App, clicking the value will do the following:

      • In Answers – Show the number of Answers linked to this Audience. Clicking on it takes you to the Answers page, filtered using the Audience you're currently viewing.

      • In Help Centers – Show the number of Help Centers linked to this Audience. Clicking on it takes you to the Help Center settings page, filtered to show Help Centers using the Audience you're viewing.

        Excluding Audience for Public Answers

        If you use the Audiences feature to link Public Answers to a specific Audience, it’s important to understand how this affects searchability:

        • Without an Audience assigned: The Public Answer will be searchable in both the Glad App and the Help Centers not tied to a specific Audience.

        • With an Audience assigned: The Public Answer becomes searchable only in Help Centers that have an assigned Audience, as well as in the Glad App.

        While assigning an Audience is optional, doing so helps control where the Public Answer is accessible.

      • In Glad App – Show the number of Glad Apps linked to this Audience. Clicking on it takes you to the Glad App settings page, filtered to show Help Centers using the Audience you're viewing.

Edit Audience

  1. Hover over the Audience you want to rename, then click . This will take you to the Edit Audience screen.

  2. Change the name, then click Save.

Delete an Audience

An Audience can't be deleted once added.