Channel Wait Time (New)

Use the Channel Wait Time report to see trends in your Contacts visually. The data provided here is a subset of the data provided in the Contact Summary report.

How data in the report is measured

The Channel Wait Time report is measured using the following:


  • Grouped by Contact and Time granularity.

Time Anchor

  • Data is time anchored using 'Contact Ended At' in the UI. This means all Contacts in the report have ended.

Metrics used for the Channel Wait Time report

Review the definition of each metric and how it's used to calculate data. These are fields you'll see in the CSV download.




Ended Date

Day, Week, etc. based on the selected filters. This refers to the date/time when the Contact ended.

Avg Queued-to-Fulfilled Time within Business Hours

Average duration between contact queued and fulfilled within business hours.

Avg Queued-to-Fulfilled Time

Average duration of time from when the Contact was first queued to when it was fulfilled.

For inbound Contacts only, and only for Fulfilled Contacts

Note – For metrics that are durations of time, the report in the UI will show time in hh:mm:ss (Hours, Minutes, Seconds) or d:hh:mm:ss (Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds) format, while the downloaded CSV will show time in raw Seconds.

How the Channel Wait Time report is filtered

You can filter the report using the following criteria. This is how you start segmenting the data based on what you are trying to learn. You can learn more about filters here.


  • The date filter on this report will correspond to the ended timestamp.


  • When changing the rollup filter (e.g., Daily), the report will show you Contacts that have ended for each day based on your Date filter. For example, if your Date filter is Aug 8-10, and the rollup is Daily, then you'll see Contacts that have ended for Aug 8, 9, and 10.


  • The Inbox column and report filter refer to the Inbox where the Contact ended.

  • Inbox filter is tied to the Inbox when the Contact ended, which isn't necessarily the only Inbox where work happened.

How to use the Channel Wait Time report

The Channel Wait Time report can provide multiple data points based on how you slice and dice the data. Below are a couple of examples.


Report Interaction

Zoom into the trends for one channel

In the graph legend, click (to deselect) on all the metrics except the channel(s) you're interested in.

This will show the graph for only that channel (or set of channels), as you deselect the other metrics.