Chat-based, quick reply buttons can be created and modified as a Sub-Action within the Ask Question Action in the Thread Builder. Once added and configured, buttons will be presented to the Customer during the chat experience.
Gladly Sidekick offers two types of buttons when configuring this Sub-Action in the Thread Builder.
Static Buttons
Smart Buttons
Static Buttons
Static Buttons are quick reply buttons that are presented to the Customer for selection during the chat experience. Static Buttons appear in the order in which they're added in the Thread Builder. Static Buttons may be added, deleted or reordered within the in the Ask Question Action Panel at any point.
Static Buttons have a 50 character limit
When naming new Static Buttons make sure they fall within this character limit.
Smart Buttons
Like Static Buttons, Smart Buttons area also quick reply buttons that are presented to the Customer during the chat experience. However, when configured as a Smart Button, buttons will reorder dynamically based on the frequency of user interactions. Static Buttons may be added or deleted within the in the Ask Question Action panel at any point.
Smart Buttons have a 22 character limit
When naming new Smart Buttons make sure they fall within this character limit.