Add and Configure Quick Reply Buttons

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Configure Quick Reply buttons to appear on Glad App. The order in which Quick Reply buttons are displayed to Customers depends on whether Onboarding is used. See Create and Configure Glad App for general instructions on how to set up Quick Reply buttons in Glad App.

Options for shopping including store locator, curbside pickup, and online purchasing.

Before you start

Review the following before you create Quick reply buttons:

  • Learn how Quick Reply buttons are used.

  • Review how to plan Quick Reply buttons before configuring Glad App to receive input via Quick Reply buttons.

  • Use Rules to automate routing and responses based on the button selected.

  • Use our API if you use Quick Reply with automation partners or apps like Netomi.

  • Ensure one of your buttons offers a general support option, as not all buttons may be relevant to everyone.

  • Quick Reply buttons are not displayed to Customers on chats initiated through a Proactive Chat Campaign.

Use Quick Reply with Rules and Business Hours

Understand how to automate routing and responses based on button selection using Rules. Remember to review how to plan Quick Reply buttons before configuring Glad App to receive input via Quick Reply buttons.

Tip - Use 'Only' as a Rule Qualifier.

Use "Only" along with "Message Body" as a Rule Qualifier to ensure activities from a Quick Reply button only trigger the Rule.

Rules and Inbox

Changing Quick Reply button names can break related Rules

If you change the name of a Quick Reply button, you must also update any Rules using Quick Reply button's previous name to the new name.

With Chat as a Channel, button names are passed on as plain text in a Message Body, allowing Rules to detect the selected button. So if a "Product Question" button is clicked, "Product Question" is passed on as plain text. Then, you can create a Rule set up as Communication received as (Trigger), Message Body - Contains - Only = Product Questions (Conditions) to detect that this is a request from a Quick Reply button.


Conditional logic setup for chat channel selection in a user interface.

Message Body

Filter options for messages containing specific phrases in a user interface.

New Contact

Use New Contacts (Condition) to ensure the Rule only applies to newly created Contacts.

Message interface indicating a new contact initiation with a clear prompt.

Based on the button — in this example, "Product Questions" — you can route the request to an Inbox that can answer product-related questions like a Support Inbox.

Actions menu showing options to assign to inbox and support category.

Another example supposes a Quick Reply button called Returns and Exchanges is clicked. In that case, a Rule can be configured to detect that Message Body from the chat is Returns and Exchanges, and the Rule appropriately routes the request to the Returns and Exchanges Inbox.

Rules and auto-replies using Answers

Suppose you have a button called Order Status and a website where Customers can track their order status. If a Customer clicks the Order Status button, you can automatically reply with a Messaging Answer with a link to track their order. It may say something like:

"You can track the status of your order by going to Please wait while we connect you to an associate."

From there, they can either self-serve or wait for their request to be routed to an Agent.

The above scenario could have a Rule that looks like this.

Settings for auto-reply based on chat communication and order status inquiries.

Business Hours and Inbox

Route requests to a specific Inbox based on when they came in using Business Hours. Let's say a Quick Reply button called Custom Design is clicked, and suppose you have Business Hours configured with your regular operating hours (e.g., 9 AM to 6 PM). In that case, you can configure a Rule for Custom Design requests to only route to the Custom Design Inbox during regular operating hours.

Below is a sample Rule where a request comes in through a Quick Reply button (Custom Design) during regular operating hours, and the request routes to a specific Inbox.

Rule setup for Custom Design Services based on chat communication and business hours.

Using the example above, you can:

  • Create another Rule to route Custom Design requests to route to a general Inbox outside normal operating hours

API and Webhook setup

Optionally, you can use our API with Quick Reply buttons to create automated workflows and triggers through automation partner apps.

Buttons that use the MESSAGE/RECEIVED webhook trigger these events. You'll need to configure these as webhooks.

Use conversationItemId using the GET Item API where content.type will be CHAT_MESSAGE, and the content.messageType will be QUICK_REPLY_RESPONSE. Content.messageData will give you more information on what the Customer selected.

Use the POST Reply To Message API to send a response programmatically.

Add Quick Reply buttons

Add the Quick Reply buttons you want to appear on Glad App. These buttons are immediately visible to Customers as soon as you save the buttons in Glad App so it's best to have your button names and Rules to be associated with each button configured before adding the Quick Reply buttons.

Refrain from creating too many buttons. Five is a balanced number of buttons to have without overwhelming Customers.

  1. Click on the top left corner of the screen.

  2. Click Settings.

  3. Under the Channels category, click Glad App. The Glad App page will show you a list of Glad Apps you currently have.

  4. To the right of the Glad App you want to add Quick Reply buttons, click, then select Configure.

  5. Scroll down to find the How Would You Like the Customer to Reply? setting.

  6. Change the selection from Type A Message to Quick Reply Button. Options for customer replies include typing a message or selecting a quick reply button.

  7. A row of fields will appear where you can add the names of your buttons. Form fields for button labels and IDs with options for thread assignment.

    • Button Label – Enter the button label with text (e.g., Refunds) representing an option.

      • Note – Button labels begin to wrap (create a second line) at around 40 characters and make the button bigger. The maximum limit is 50 characters.

    • Button ID – Used to identify the button by an automation partner or API. It can be alphanumeric text or numbers. Although required to save a button, it's not used to create automation through Rules. We suggest using an ID that makes the button easily identifiable.

    • + Add Button – Add more buttons.

  8. Click Save.

The buttons are now visible on Glad App for Customers attempting to use Chat.

Quick Reply button color

The color set in Help App Chat Launcher on the Glad App configuration page is the same color used as the button border color for Quick Reply buttons. If the color is set to #FFF (white), Gladly will automatically use the fallback hex color #E3E3E3 (gray) to ensure visibility.