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Like many businesses, it's normal to have different operating hours throughout the year, so you may also have multiple Business Hours configured. For example:
Normal operating hours (8 AM EST - 6 PM EST Monday to Friday)
Friday operating hours (8 AM EST - 3 PM EST)
Overtime (6 AM EST - 6 PM EST Monday to Friday)
Holidays (Closed)
Because your operating hours may vary throughout the year, the number of Rules you use could also vary. This means a Business Hour schedule (e.g., Holidays) can be used multiple times across different Channels. This is where the # of Places Used indicator column comes in handy.
# of Places Used
In the Business Hours settings page, this number represents how many times a particular Business Hour is being used across different Rules.
Clicking on the number exposes which Rule(s)s a particular Business Hour is used in.
From the Business Hours is used in pop-up, click a Rule to view the Rule on the Rule settings page.
Business Hour cannot be deleted if used in a Rule
A Business Hour cannot be deleted if used in at least one Rule. It must show "0" before it can be deleted.