What are Structured Threads

A Structured Thread is a structured sequence of steps that directs how Gladly Sidekick should behave in that moment of the Conversation. Threads are made up of a series of Actions and Sub-Actions, configured within the Thread Builder.

Individual Threads appear within the Thread List and, once selected, reveal the Thread Builder for that specific Thread.

Gladly interface showing active threads and options for self-service conversations.

  • The Thread List is comprised of all created Threads.

Interface for resetting password with options to ask questions and add rules.

  • One individual Structured Thread selected from the Thread List.

Here are other things to take note of regarding Threads:

  • Threads can span across multiple Channels.

  • Threads may be configured within Settings > Sidekick.

  • Threads can be easily edited, made active or inactive at any time.

What a Structured Thread is made up of

Threads are comprised of Actions and Sub-Actions selected to deliver on the specific Thread topic. Threads may also consist of Pivots to other companion Threads and/or Anonymous Actions nested within any given Sub-Action.