Time-Saving Automation
Let AI handle repetitive tasks like cancellations and refunds, eliminating the need to switch between platforms or manually process these actions. This automation allows Agents to focus on resolving more complex Customer inquiries faster.
Enhanced Agent Productivity
Centralized tools and AI-driven workflows reduce the burden of routine tasks, enabling Agents to dedicate more time to meaningful Customer interactions, boosting both efficiency and satisfaction.
Improved Accuracy and Compliance
AI-driven processes adhere to pre-defined guardrails for refunds and cancellations, minimizing human error, ensuring consistent operations, and maintaining compliance with policies.
Superior Customer Experience
AI delivers instant resolutions for routine tasks like cancellations and refunds, offering faster, seamless, and personalized support. Customers benefit from a smoother experience that saves time and builds trust and loyalty.
Available Actions
Lookup Order by Order Number
Detailed Order Data
Orders returned from Shopify can contain:
fulfillable — Whether there are line items that can be fulfilled
fulfillments count
fulfillments — A list of shipments for the order:
order number
created at: timestamp
updated at: timestamp
delivered at: timestamp
estimated delivery at: timestamp
in transit at: timestamp
display status: customer-facing status
status: status of the fulfillment
name: human-readable reference identifier for the fulfillment
origin address: The address at which the fulfillment occurred
requires shipping: Whether any of the line items require shipping
tracking info: Includes company, tracking number, and tracking URL
fulfillment line items: Includes ID, quantity, and original and discounted currency totals
current subtotal price
current total discounts
current total tax
current total price
cancel reason
created at timestamp
updated at timestamp
financial status
fulfillment status
billing address
shipping address
shipping lines — includes the id, carrier service, title, code, phone number, and source
order status url
line items — for each product variant:
gift card (true or false)
total discount
variant id
variant title
transactions — a list of transactions associated with the order:
currency code
created at
parent transaction — if nested
Lookup Orders by Email Address
Returns a list of orders, including the detailed order data above
Update an Order's Shipping Address
Update one or more fields in a shipping address
Cancel an Order
Include a cancellation reason and an optional staff-facing note
Optional: Refund the Customer
Optional: Restock committed inventory
Example use cases
Ask a Customer for an email address, pull associated Orders, and store this data for use elsewhere in Gladly. Direct the Customer experience flow based on existing Orders.
A Customer contacts in with an Order Number, saying they want to cancel their Order. Gladly Sidekick looks up the Order, and evaluates cancellation eligibility based on when the Order was placed. Sidekick asks the Customer to verify part of their address, for security. Sidekick confirms this is a valid cancellation, cancels the Order, and informs the Customer when they can expect a refund.
Contact Gladly Support to add this App to your Gladly instance! Please note that you need a developer resource to complete this installation.