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Before you start
Review the following information before you connect to Gladly.
This is a two-part configuration process that must be completed in sequential order. First, you must collect your Smile Private Key, then connect to Gladly.
Find Smile Private Key
Log into You can log into Smile by following the Apps page in Shopify.
Navigate to
Click Show more.
Here, you'll find your “Private Key,” which you will need when setting up in Gladly. Copy this key.
Next, connect to Gladly.
Connect to Gladly
From the Apps page, click Add App > Smile.
From the Add New Smile App page, enter the following information:
Name – Enter a name that will help you identify the Smile instance (e.g., Smile)
Smile Private Token – Enter the Smile Private Key you obtained from the above section.
Search Query Attributes – There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Query Attributes. The email/Email attribute is the only attribute you can use to look up Customers in Smile.
Don't change the Attribute column.
Search Results Attributes –There are two columns (Attribute, Label) required for Search Results.
The default Search Result Attributes are name/Name, email/Email, and externalCustomerId/Smile ID.
You can use any Label for each attribute that provides an Agent-friendly name for the attribute.
Note – If you require any additional attributes, please Contact Gladly Support.
Auto-Linking Fields – If a Customer Profile is not currently linked to a Smile instance, and if your Smile instance responds with a unique profile with at least one auto-linking field match and no conflicts, Gladly will automatically link the Profiles without any user intervention and populate the pulled information in the Customer Profile.
Note – Customer Email is currently the only option available that can be used to match a Customer Profile to a Smile instance. Check this box to allow auto-linking by email address.
Overwrite Existing Values – If activated and a Customer Profile is linked to a profile in Smile, Gladly will overwrite editable custom attributes in the Customer Profile with data from Smile.
Click Save App.