REQUIRED USER ROLE Administrator and API User | PERMISSION OVERVIEW View permissions by role |
Before you start
You will need the following information about your Gladly account to set up your Flip integration with Gladly.
Gladly Organization URL - The full gladly domain name: i.e., <organization>
Note – For staging, it may be <organization>
Gladly UserName and Email – The email address of a new Gladly user dedicated for this integration.
Gladly API token – The API token associated with the new Gladly User and Email Address.
Gladly Inbox Name and Id – Name and InboxId of the Inbox you would like tasks from Flip to be created.
Configure Gladly for Flip
You must first create a Gladly user account and generate an API token to begin the integration process. Let's start by creating a new user.
Create a user
Create a new user account.
Be sure to assign this user the Administrator, Agent, and API User roles.
Use an email address that you can access to set the password for the user account.
Once the user account is created, log into Gladly to create an API token using the new user account.
Note – Don't forget to save the token you create! You won't be able to reaccess the token once you exit the screen. You'll need to send the token to Flip.
Now that your Gladly user account is created and you have the API token, you must create a new Inbox that Flip uses.
Create Inbox
You do not need to create a new Inbox; you can utilize any existing Inbox with a voice Entry Point.
Create an Inbox where requests from Customers are queued.
Name the Inbox "Flip."
Set the Inbox SLA you want to use.
Assign the Flip user you created to the Inbox.
Once the Inbox is created and the Flip user is assigned to the Inbox, next, contact Flip to complete the integration.
You must assign the Flip user to the desired Inbox if you use an existing Inbox.
IVR setup
Flip assigns a phone number to send callers to for voice automation. This means you have one of two options:
Use Flips's phone number as the voice number to promote to your Customers.
If you choose this option and use Flips's phone number as the voice number to promote to your Customers, then you don't need to create an IVR since Customers will call directly into Flip's voice automation system.
Use a phone number of your choice and create an IVR that forwards the call to Flip's phone number to start the automation.
You'll need to create an IVR that forwards the call from your phone number to Flip's voice automation system.
If Flip's automation cannot resolve the issue, Flip routes the call back to Gladly to either an existing IVR or a new one built specifically to route Flip-forwarded calls. We highly recommend working with Gladly Professional Services to better understand your requirements and for additional guidance. The team can help build and update your IVR based on your desired experience.
Connect Flip to Gladly
The Flip Support Team will work with you to configure the voice automation service with Flip. Once you have all the information above, please contact client support at [email protected] to set up this integration in your Flip Assistant.