Respond to and Initiate WhatsApp Messages

Assist Customers requesting support through WhatsApp.

How messages are sent to Gladly from WhatsApp

Contact information displayed with a highlighted WhatsApp number for easy access.

Customers can message you through your WhatsApp number. Their WhatsApp number is automatically added to the Contact Details section and is not editable.

Reply to a WhatsApp message

  1. If a WhatsApp message is routed to you, you may see a green notification banner at the top of your screen with the Customer’s name and a short preview of their message.

    • Click Accept to take the request, but depending on your Conversation Workflow settings, this may automatically get assigned to you.

  2. You’ll see the WhatsApp Composer pop-up, ready for you to start writing your response.

    • Note – You only attach image files (png, jpeg, etc.). Document files (pdf, xls, etc.) are currently not supported.

  3. Once you’ve completed your reply, click Send.

Send a WhatsApp message to a Customer

You can initiate a WhatsApp message to a customer who has previously reached out on this Channel and whose WhatsApp number is part of their customer profile. Otherwise, you cannot initiate a new WhatsApp message.

  1. From the Customer’s Profile, click .

  2. From the list, select WhatsApp. The WhatsApp Composer will pop up, ready for you to start writing your response.

  3. Once you’ve completed your reply, click Send.

WhatsApp sent from the app instead of Gladly

Replies sent to Customers directly from WhatsApp (outside of Gladly) won't appear in the Conversation Timeline, but you will see the Customer's incoming messages in Gladly.

End a WhatsApp Messaging session

A WhatsApp Messaging session ends if: