New to Insight Builder? Start Here

Welcome to Insight Builder! The Gladly Business Intelligence tool (BI) powered by Looker provides extensive features designed to bring the data clarity you need to run your contact center. This guide will help you find resources and training materials to review before building your first report.

How to activate Insight Builder

Are you interested in using Insight Builder? See How do I activate Insight Builder for information on activating Insight Builder.

User roles for Insight Builder

There are two types of users in Insight Builder:

  • Analyst – A user that builds, edits, and manages reports in Insight Builder. In Gladly, these users are assigned the Analyst role and can share reports that non-Analyst users can access.

  • Non-Analyst – A user that views reports/dashboards Analyst built and shared.  

    • Gladly roles that have access to reports: Team Manager, Administrator.

The training path depends on your role or how much experience you have with a BI tool like Looker.

Training by role

You'll find robust documentation and FAQs about Insight Builder on the help site and the Gladly Connect Learning. Additionally, you have free access to Looker Connect, Looker's eLearning platform, to help you familiarize yourself with the Insight Builder experience in Gladly.

Your investment in this powerful BI tool so you can answer complex analytics-related questions will require time to learn how to use the tool to maximize its potential.


Users assigned the Analyst role are tasked with building reports. They may or may not be familiar with Business Intelligence (BI) tools, which is not a problem as many resources are available to help anyone get started.

Additional training

If you have signed up to use Insight Builder — and have the Analyst role — but have no BI tool experience, we recommend you complete the steps in the Insight Builder training section.

Complete the following training to help you get familiar with Insight Builder as a user who will be building reports as an Analyst.

Insight Builder training

Use Looker training to familiarize yourself with Looker's BI tool, which powers the Insight Builder experience. This Looker training aims to help you understand how Looker works and introduce you to reporting concepts like dimensions and measures, table calculations and pivots that an Analyst should understand.

  1. Go to and click Join to create an account.

  2. Click the courses individually under Learning path activities. Don't click Select this learning path; this is a paid training UX from Google. Overview of BI and Analytics learning path with activities related to Looker.

  3. Follow the instructions for each course. Google provides "hands-on" experience with Looker training using their Labs feature.

  4. Upon completing the Looker training, go to the Gladly Connect Learning and complete the Insight Builder Guide. This lesson focuses on the Insight Builder experience, as seen in Gladly.

    • You must have a Gladly Connect Learning account to take this training. Sign up if you don't have an account.

Once you have completed general training, use the other resources on our help site to find specific help information about Insight Builder.

Non-Analyst users (Team Managers and Administrators)

Non-Analyst users can access Reports in Gladly and access reports shared by Analysts, but they cannot build or edit Insight Builder reports. Insight Builder reports made public/shared by Analysts are found under the Shared category on the Reports page.

Dashboard displaying daily trends, inbound channels, discussion time, and payment details.

Read the following to help you get familiar with how to review shared Insight Builder reports.

  1. See Insight Builder Features for Non-Analysts (Team Managers and Administrators) to learn how to review and interact with shared reports/dashboards.