Learn the basics of how the Medallia Agent Connect integration works.
Who maintains the integration
Medallia Agent Connect's integration with Gladly is built and maintained by Medallia Agent Connect.
Basic scope
When Medallia Agent Connect receives a webhook event from Gladly, the Agent's email and Customer information relevant to the Conversation is pulled into Medallia Agent Connect. That information is used to send the Customer a CSAT survey. The Customer's response is then formatted and posted back into the Customer's Conversation Timeline.
How it's integrated
Medallia Agent Connect integrations are configured through your Medallia Agent Connect contact. To get started, collect the following data to send to your Medallia Connect Agent contact:
API token – Token is generated in Gladly
Gladly URL – Your Gladly domain (i.e., {YOUR-COMPANY}.gladly.com}
Email address – The email address used for the integration
Send an email to [email protected] if you need assistance.
APIs used for the integration
API Name |
/api/v1/agents/XXX |
/api/v1/customer-profiles/XXX |
/api/v1/conversation-items/XXX/media/recording |
/api/v1/conversations/XXX/items |
/api/v1/conversations/XXX |
/api/v1/inboxes/XXX |
How the integration works
Medallia Agent Connect uses Gladly's CONVERSATION/CLOSED
webhook to trigger the CSAT collection workflow. It typically goes like this:
Medallia Agent Connect receives the
webhook when a Conversation is closed.This webhook includes a Conversation ID and Customer ID.
Medallia Agent Connect retrieves Conversation data, including Topic IDs, Inbox ID, and timestamps using
GET /conversations/{conversationId}
.Medallia Agent Connect retrieves Conversation items using
GET /conversations/{conversationId}/items.
Medallia Agent Connect retrieves related media files to the Conversation using
GET /conversation-items/{itemId}/media/recording.
Medallia Agent Connect retrieves information about the Agent involved in the Conversation using
GET /agents/{agentId}.
If the Topic list in Conversations does not include do_not_send_stella, Medallia Agent Connect sends a CSAT survey to the Customer and attributes the Customer's response to the Agent who last interacted with the Customer, and not the Agent who closed the Conversation.
CSAT rating is attributed to the Agent that sent the last response
It's important to note that CSAT rating is attributed to the Agent that last sent a response, not the owner of the Conversation or the Agent that closed the Conversation.
More information about the integration can be found on Medallia Agent Connect's website.