How does using Focus impact Agent performance on reports?

With Focus activated and used by Agents, it removes the need for Agents to go unavailable on any Channel to pause the Routing Engine from sending new Customers so they can complete after-Contact activities such as finalizing Notes. When Agents use Focus, you might observe noticeable differences in certain metrics, on top of Occupancy %, as described below.

Agent Summary

  • Increase in Available Time in Seconds - Any

    • Agents can stay available to do after-Contact work. Without Focus, they'd need to go unavailable when additional time was needed.

  • Decrease in Contacts Missed & Contacts Declined

    • It's hypothesized that Agents might be missing or declining Contacts because they needed more after-Contact work time. Removing the need to miss or decline calls may lead to lower missed or declined Contacts.

  • Potential Decrease in Contacts per hour for Messaging

    • If Agents pause routing using Focus, they may be routed fewer Contacts, though it may equate to a better service experience.

  • Decrease in After Contact Time in Seconds

    • After Contact Time will only accrue when an Agent is available on any Channel. As a result, After Contact time may decrease, reflecting a more accurate measure when using Focus.

Contact Summary

  • Decrease in Avg Inbound After Contact Time

    • After Contact Time will only accrue when an Agent is available on any Channel. As a result, After Contact time may decrease, reflecting a more accurate measure when using Focus.