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If an Agent declines an incoming chat that is routed to them, you can configure the amount of time that needs to pass before another chat is routed to them.
Consider the following when configuring the routing delay for next message.
The number of seconds Gladly will wait before automatically routing the next chat to an Agent if they haven’t met their minimum yet. This gives the Agent time to compose a response before getting a new chat.
Chats are real-time, with much less text than email. Therefore, we recommend setting this number at anywhere between 10 - 25 seconds (enough time to compose the first response).
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the Agent Experience category, click Conversation Workflow.
Under the Messaging section, in the Next message routing delay (seconds) field, enter (in seconds) how long an Agent has before they're routed a new Customer upon accepting, declining, or ending an existing message.
Select Save.