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Assist Glad App/Chat Customers anytime without necessarily having Agents available. By setting up 24/7 support in Glad App, you can:
Allow Customers to leave a message or explain their situation if live Agents aren’t available, allowing you to resolve an issue for a Customer before contacting them back.
Provide Customers with another Channel they can use to contact you, or provide your Support hours.
A 24/7 setup for Glad App ensures Customers have a way to communicate with you at all times.
24/7 Glad App setup for Gladly Hero and Gladly Sidekick
Hero only (without Sidekick)
You first need to update the configuration for each Glad App you want to enable 24/7 Support:
Set the Glad App Hours to 12:00 AM to 11:59 PM each day you want Glad App to be available 24/7. This ensures that Glad App remains visible on your website.
Next, decide on the Chat experience Customers receive outside your normal operating hours. Select an option to view setup instructions:
Customers receive a message on how they can receive support, like sending an email as an alternate Channel
This is the simplest way to handle Customers attempting to chat outside your regular operating hours. Use it to provide information and encourage them to send an email, SMS, or engage on another Channel when Chat is unavailable.
Create a Messaging Answer with the information you want to share with Customers if Agents are unavailable for Chat. Below is a sample message. Customize the message to reflect your operations:
Thank you for your message. Our agents are available by live chat and phone from 9 am-5 pm EST, Monday-Friday, except for major holidays. You can also reach us by email at <insert email address> anytime or text us at <insert number>, and we’ll get back to you ASAP. Thank you for being patient if you’re contacting us about an order. Summer is our busiest season, and some orders may be delayed. We’re a small team and will get to your order ASAP!
Once the Messaging Answer is created, create a Rule with the following Rule details:
Communication is received
If Channel is Chat
And Business Hours are [Choose the Business Hours you’d like to use]
And Is outside business hours
And Message starts a new contact
Close Conversation
Send Auto-Reply [Select the Messaging Answer you created]
Click Add Rule.
Note – Closing the Conversation can be important to maintaining your SLA. If you leave the Conversation open and exceed your Chat SLA, it will count as a Conversation that wasn’t handled within your SLA.
Ask Customers to leave a message describing their request so Agents can work on the request and contact the Customer
Ask Chat Customers to leave a message in Glad App with automated messages. Convert Customer messages to Tasks and route them to Agents, enabling Agents to follow up with Customers on their preferred Channel.
You’ll create two Rules, one to create Tasks and another to acknowledge receiving requests. The Rules will use Topics to send the correct message, asking the Customer to leave a message or confirming that their messages are received.
If not already available, create a Topic that can be used to identify additional inbound chat messages received outside normal operating hours, such as “After Hours.”
Create a Messaging Answer to use as a reply to the first message you receive from the Customer outside of business hours. For example: Thanks for reaching out. We’re open 9-5 if you want to chat live with us. For now, please leave a message, and we’ll get back to you at the email address you provided.”
Create a Rule that sends the Customer a message and creates a Task using the following details:
When Communication is received
If Channel is Chat
And Business Hours are [Choose the Business Hours you’d like to use]
And Is outside business hours
And Message starts a new contact
And Topics include None of [Choose a Topic that uniquely signifies receiving after-hours messages]
Close Conversation
Create a Task [Choose the response time, Inbox and/or Agent, and Task description you’d like to use]
Send Auto-Reply [Choose the Auto-Reply you’d like to use]
Click Add Rule.
Note – If you have multiple Glad Apps with different Business Hours and required messaging, use “Chat URL contains” instead of “If Channel is Chat.” This way, you can choose different Rules for different Glad Apps on different URLs.
Note – The Topic you use will mark the Conversation, so that if the same customer sends more messages in that same conversation, it doesn’t create additional tasks for your team.
Create a Messaging Answer to use as a reply to confirm that you have received their message. For example:
Your message has been received. Our agents will respond to you at the email address you provided. Please reply with how you’d like us to reach you: phone, SMS, or another email address.
Next, create a second Rule that will trigger a message acknowledging that you have received their message via Glad App using the Messaging Answer you created in the previous step.
When Communication is received
If Channel is Chat
And Business Hours are [Choose the Business Hours you’d like to use]
And Is outside business hours
And Topics include None Of [Choose the Topic that uniquely signifies additional messages after the initial message]
Add Topic [Choose the Topic you created that uniquely signifies additional messages received after the initial message]
Send Auto-Reply [Select the Messaging Answer you created in step 4]
Close Conversation
Finally, create a third Rule that closes the Conversation without sending any further replies if the Customer sends additional messages after their second message. This helps avoid the Customer receiving multiple "we got your message" responses for every message they send after hours.
When Communication is received
If Channel is Chat
And Topics include All of [Choose both Topics you created that uniquely signify message received after hours and additional message received after the initial message]
Close Conversation
At this point, when Customers send messages outside your normal operating hours, the initial message is converted into a Task and routed to Agents. Once routed, Agents can see the Task with the initial message, plus additional messages sent by the Customer, for context, on the Conversation Timeline.
Hero and Sidekick
This only applies if you're using Sidekick with Hero.
With Sidekick, Rules will apply to your Customers’ Conversations that result in expected handoffs, like when the Customer asks to speak with an Agent or in Threads you’ve programmed to hand to an Agent, and unexpected handoffs when exceptions occur in Sidekick.
Once Hero Rules are configured by following the Hero only instructions above, contact Gladly Support to set up 24/7 Support for Sidekick.
Settings to review running Glad App 24/7
Review the settings and considerations below to ensure your implementation of 24/7 Glad App/Chat runs smoothly.
Gladly Hero
Turn off Auto-Throttle. If Chat Throttling is activated, your Customers will see the Office Hours & Throttle Message whenever Agents are unavailable, even if Glad App Display Hours are set to 24/7.
Activate Onboarding. Onboarding collects the Customer’s email address and name, which allows you to reach out to them if they contacted you outside your operating hours, and helps attribute the Conversation to an existing Customer Profile or create a new one.
Offer Quick Replies. Offering Quick Replies can help your Customers find what they need quickly outside your operating hours and minimize work for common questions with readily available answers or self-service options.
Update the Chat Ended messages. Update the Chat Ended messages, which appear after the chat is closed by a Rule or by an Agent.
Gladly Sidekick
Display a message based on if the handoff is expected or unexpected. Use isHandoff from the Transfer Flow to display a message based on whether the handoff is unexpected or expected. For example, an expected handoff confirms that the user was understood and that someone will get back to them: “Got it. Retalé agents will take a look and respond to your request in the email you have with us.”
For an unexpected handoff, communicate that something unexpected happened, but someone will get back to them: “Something went wrong, but I’ve recorded your message. Retalé agents will take a look and respond to your request in the email you have with us.”
Contact Gladly Support if you need help confirming this experience.
Make sure your Sidekick handoff message and Rules Auto-Reply work well together.
If your Sidekick says, “I’m not sure I understand, leave a message or email us at [email protected].” before handoff, and the handoff triggers a Rule that sends an auto-reply that says, “…leave a message or email us at [email protected],” your Customers will get a repetitive experience.
Contact Gladly Support if you need help confirming this experience.