Switch Between Messaging Sessions

You will likely be simultaneously handling multiple messaging (chat, SMS, social Channels) sessions. Use the My Customers list to quickly switch between active Messaging Customers by monitoring the green dot indicators, which indicate a reply from the Customer.

See My Customers list order priority to understand better how Customers by Channel are organized on the list.

Click 'Next' to receive more Messaging Customers

The number of Messaging Customers (e.g., SMS, chat, Instagram Messaging, etc.) you're automatically routed depends on the standard messaging capacity your Administrator has set. You must then click Next to receive more Messaging Customers beyond the standard capacity until the maximum number of Messaging Customers is met.

Helping chat Customers

Remember that active calls you are currently on appear on top. Otherwise, chat Customers are on top of the list. So, if you have three chat Customers and are not on a call, those three chat Customers are the first three on the list.

Check the Channel icon to see what Channel the Customer last used to communicate with you. A green dot indicates a reply that needs your attention.

Customer support interface showing Julie Chang's order issue and recent chat messages.

Helping other Messaging Customers

Although chat is a Messaging Channel, it's displayed with priority in the My Customers list. All other Messaging Channels (SMSes, Facebook Messenger, etc.) appear after chat Customers in the list.

Check the Channel icon to see what Channel the Customer last used to communicate with you.

Message from Kristin Fisher regarding issues with her recently shipped order.

A green dot indicates a reply that needs your attention.