Emplifi Overview

Emplifi is a full-suite rating and review software that allows you to capture Customer voices before, during, and after the purchase process.

Using Emplifi, you can create programs to drive higher volumes of Customer reviews wherever your products are sold and receive actionable reporting, analytics, and campaign metrics.


Gain Insight

Using Emplifi, you can gather valuable feedback from Customers on your products.

Give Agents Insight

Agents have access to a Customer’s Emplifi view, seamlessly reflected within the Conversation Timeline in Gladly, so Agents have the full context.

Product review showing a low rating and issues with fitting a MacBook Pro.

Actionable Moderation

By setting up review triggers in Emplifi, you can create actionable tasks for Agents to perform to follow up with Customers.

Task reminder to follow up with customer on product review details.

Supported features

Emplifi supports the following features in Gladly:

  • Tasks

  • Conversation Timeline