Common Dedication Hero FAQs
A Customer has a Dedicated Hero, why isn’t the Conversation currently assigned to that Hero?
There are several reasons why a Customer may not have their current Conversation assigned to their Dedicated Hero. Below, are the most common reasons:
Outbound Contact — When an Agent other than the Dedicated Hero initiates an outbound Contact, the Agent that initiates the Contact will be the assigned Agent. The Conversation will remain with the currently assigned Agent until the Conversation is reassigned to the Dedicated Hero or the Conversation ends.
The Dedicated Hero was unavailable. — While Emails and Voicemails will route to an unavailable Dedicated Hero, Voice and Messaging Contacts will re-route to an available Agent in the case that a Dedicated Hero is unavailable. Tip — If this is a common issue, consider creating a Dedicated Hero Team Inbox. This will provide a pool of Dedicated Heroes vs. a standalone Dedicated Hero.
The Dedicated Hero assigned the Conversation to another Agent. — While Dedicated Heroes will be the assignee of new Conversations with their Customers, they do have the ability to assign the Conversation to other Agents. Dedicated Heroes may choose to do this if they need the specialty help of another Agent or if they are planning to become unavailable soon.
The Dedicated Hero was added during the current Conversation and was not assigned the Conversation. — When Make Hero is used to assign a Dedicated Hero to a Customer, the Dedicated Hero is not automatically assigned to the existing Conversation. The Reassign to Hero button will need to be used to assign the Conversation to the new Dedicated Hero.
What happens if a ‘Dedicated Hero’ Conversation is merged?
If there are two customer profiles and they get merged and only one has a Dedicated Hero, the Hero is assigned to the merged profile.
How does Channel affect Conversation assignment when a Dedicated Hero is assigned?
Email and Voicemails will always route to a Dedicated Hero, regardless of their Availability. Voice and Message Conversations will always route to a Dedicated Hero if the Hero is available. If a Dedicated Hero is not available, Voice and Message will be re-routed to available Agents in the current Inbox.
Are Tasks reassigned when a Dedicated Hero is added to a Customer Profile?
Tasks are unaffected by Dedicated Hero assignment. Tasks will remain assigned to whoever created or was assigned the task before a Dedicated Hero was assigned.
Are there available reports for Dedicated Hero?
There are currently no existing reports for Dedicated Hero. Tip — If you create and use a Dedicated Hero Inbox, you will be able to run out-of-the-box reports filtered for that Inbox, providing you Dedicated Hero data.
Can Rules be used with Dedicated Hero?
Yes. Dedicated Hero has a rule Condition with two options:
Not Assigned
Does Dedicated Hero work in conjunction with People Match?
Dedicated Hero has no direct impact on People Match. Instead, consider adding Topics to Dedicated Hero Conversations. Add Dedicated Hero Topics to a Priority Boost to elevate Dedicated Hero Customers with People Match.
Is the Customer made aware that they have a Dedicated Hero?
No product functionality makes the Customer aware that they have a Dedicated Hero. If you’d like a Customer to know that they’ve been assigned a Dedicated Hero, you must inform the Customer.
Can Dedicated Hero be assigned or removed in bulk?
No, Dedicated Hero can only be assigned individually on a Customer Profile.
Does Dedicated Hero have an API?
No, not at this time.
Can I report on what my mappings are?
No, not at this time.