When you go available in the Email, Task, Voicemail Channel, you'll be automatically routed emails currently waiting in the queue and taken straight to the Customer's Profile. You can read their current email and previous interactions with your company there. You must click Next or Close & Next upon replying to receive the following Customer email.
Click ‘Next’ or ‘Close & Next’ to receive more emails
Gladly will only automatically route the first email waiting when you first log into Gladly for the day. You must then click Next or Close & Next while remaining avialble in the Mail + Tasks Channel to receive more. Subseuqent emails that are waiting are not automaticaly routed.
Start a new email
You can start a new email with a Customer even if they don't reach out to you first. You might also need to email a Customer at certain times, even when they've reached out to you through another Channel. For example, a Customer might reach out over the phone but need an email confirmation for their appointment.
Select Email. You'll see the Email Composer pop-up, ready for you to start writing your message.
You can also use Answers to insert email response templates. Click
to search Answers. Click
to see Email Answers.
Click Send Email.
If an Inbox doesn't have a default From address configured or you're sending an email to a Customer you just created, you must initially select which email address you want your Customer to see the email is coming from.
Reply to an email (open Conversation)
Gladly automatically defaults to the last Channel a Customer reached out to you on. Since they reached out by email, you'll notice the reply bar defaults to "Reply with an email," but only if the Conversation is open.
Click anywhere along the reply bar. The Email Composer will appear, ready for you to start writing your response. The reply should automatically include every person copied in the Customer's email.
Write your response to the Customer. You can also use Answers to insert email response templates. Click
to search Answers. Click
to see Email Answers.
Click Send Email.
Reply to an email (closed Conversation)
Closed Conversations will not have the "Reply with an email" option by default.
Reply from the last email – To respond to the Customer's last email, click
on the last email, then click Reply All. Continue to write your reply. When you send it, it will ask you to reopen the Conversation. Clicking Reopen sends the email and reopens the Conversation.
Create a new email – If you start a new email thread without including the previous thread, click
, then click Email. This opens a new Composer where you can write a new email. When you send it, it will ask you to reopen the Conversation. Clicking Reopen sends the email and reopens the Conversation.
Reply to a previous email in a Conversation
Conversation threads can involve multiple people and issues. That's why Gladly lets you pick the exact email to reply from an entire thread of responses.
Scroll through the Conversation Timeline to the email you want to respond to.
on the top right of that email, and click Reply All from the drop-down list.
Write your response to the Customer. You can also use Answers to insert email response templates. Click
to search Answers. Click
to see Email Answers.
Click Send Email.
Forward an email
You can forward an email to reply or respond to anyone by doing the following.
Scroll through the Conversation Timeline to the specific email you want to forward.
on the top right of the email, and click Forward from the drop-down list.
Enter the email address(es) to which you want to forward the email, along with your message (if any). Then click Send Email to send it.
Remove previous threads in the email
Whatever the reason, you may want to remove a previous email thread before replying to or forwarding it to another email address.
Forward or reply to the related email.
In the Email Composer, click the Remove Original button at the bottom of the email. This will remove the original email from your reply.
Edit an email address
Suppose you make a mistake while entering an email address in the "To," "Cc," or "Bcc" fields; double-click on the email address to edit the email address, then press Enter to save.
Automatic suggestion of frequently used email addresses
If you start typing an email address you frequently use in the To, Cc, or Bcc field, Gladly will predict and suggest the email address you use the most. Select the suggested email to complete the entry of the email address.
Additional details to note about email auto-suggestion
Frequently used email addresses are tracked on a per Agent basis.
Gladly can suggest up to five of the most frequently used email addresses based on the characters entered.
The Customer's email address in the Customer Profile is not included.
Click X next to the suggestion to exclude the email address from the suggestion list. The email address could appear again as a suggestion if used as a To, Cc, or Bcc recipient.
Clearing browser cache or switching computers will erase frequently used email memory.
Format for long email threads
When there is a long email thread with a Customer, Gladly displays your emails without rich formatting in the Conversation Timeline. While you can't see the rich formatting in these long emails, the Customer will see a formatted email on their end. The Conversation Timeline will show a tip that says, "This email was sent with additional formatting," to inform you that even though they see emails without formatting, the Customer will continue to see rich formatting on emails they receive. This usually occurs if the email thread is over 30k characters.
Private Conversations
Sometimes, you might need external help to solve a Customer issue by emailing someone else. While you may want to keep those email threads in your overall email Conversation, you might not want your Customer to read those external email threads about them. To help guard against inadvertently leaving those threads in an email when reaching back out to a Customer, the Private Conversation notice appears to remind you of these previous threads when you add the Customer back into the Conversation.
Click Remove Original Message to remove external email threads about the Customer when you add the Customer back to the email Conversation. Otherwise, click Keep Original Message.
Email size limits
Email threads can have a maximum size of 25MB. Email attachments are limited to 15MB.
Maximum Email Size Notice
An error will appear if an email reply is not delivered because it exceeds the allowed email size.
Email attachments
You can attach and receive any file type (jpeg,mp4, mp3, zip, etc.) in an email.
'Customer is not included in this message' notice
When sending an email from a Customer's Profile to a 3rd party — whose email is not part of the Customer's Profile — and without cc'ing the Customer's existing email attached to the Profile, the message "The customer is not included in this message, which may have been due to the customer's email address not yet existing on their Gladly Profile" may appear. This is simply a reminder that you're sending an email to an address not attached to the Profile. For example, if you send an email from the Profile to a shipping company to check a delivery status without cc'ing the Customer, then the notice appears.
The notice won't appear if the Customer's email, as shown in their Profile, is cc'd with the email to the 3rd party.