Agent and Customer Chat Experience With Single and Multiple Glad Apps

A single Glad App (Chat) can offer Chat to all Customers on your website. You can also create multiple Glad Apps in Gladly to serve Customers for different brands you own, or perhaps you have other Glad Apps across your website that receive inquiries for various products or services you offer. By default, Glad App pushes chat requests to the default Inbox configured in the Chat Channel's Entry Points settings page. You can also link other Glad Apps (if you have more than one) to a different Inbox other than the default Inbox. The Customer and Agent experience for single and multiple Glad App implementation is explained below.

Single Glad App

If there's an active chat session and the Customer navigates to a different page on the same browser tab

The Customer remains in the same chat session. The page may refresh, but the chat session remains open, and the Customer can continue to chat with the same Agent.

If there's an active chat session and the Customer navigates to a different page on a different browser tab

The Customer remains in the same chat session and Glad App opens on the new browser tab. The Customer can continue the chat Conversation on either browser tab.

Multiple Glad Apps

If there's an active chat session and the Customer navigates to a different page with a separate Glad App

A new chat session can begin for the other Glad App. If the Customer starts a new chat session, the request is routed to the Inbox linked to the other Glad App. This means the Customer may reach a different Agent.

Agent experience with multiple Glad Apps

Regardless of the number of Glad Apps configured in Gladly for your website, if a Customer starts a chat session on two or more Glad Apps simultaneously and the Glad App in question does not have self-service activated,  Gladly will notify the Customer, "We noticed you have another active chat. You can message us to chat here, and we will end the other chat for you." On the Agent's side, messages from each Glad App appear in the same Conversation in the Conversation Timeline. The message, "The customer signed in from a new location. Please use your best judgment before sharing out sensitive information," also appears. Remember that different Agents can receive chat requests from other Glad Apps coming from the same Customer, depending on which Agents you have assigned to Inboxes used to receive chat for the different Glad Apps on your website.