Set Up Topics


Gladly Topics allow Agents (and Rules) to disposition Conversations. Supervisors can then use this information to analyze Conversation history trends.

Click here to learn more about Topics.

For default Topics set up on your Gladly instance, see default settings.

Agent disposition

By default, Gladly requires Agents to add a Topic before a Conversation can be closed, but this setting can be updated on the Conversation Workflow settings page.


Set up Topics to allow for proper conversation dispositioning.

Estimated Effort

15 minutes for simple setup.

Step-by-Step Tutorial & Best Practices

  1. Attend the Answers and Topics best practices session with your implementation team. This is a 45-minute workshop where we go over best practices with you.

  2. Fine-tune your Topics.

Bulk Topics Add

  1. Download the Topics template.

  2. Enter topic names in the "Topics" tab.

    1. To specify hierarchical topics, you can specify Level1>>Level2>>Level3 where the >> denotes delineation between subtopics. You must specify the deepest level sub-topic, so specify Level1>>Level2>>Level3 instead of Level1, Level1>>Level2 and Level1>>Level2>>Level3

    2. If you do not want to use hierarchical topics and just want to have one-level deep, you can specify any other string (e.g., Topic 1 | Topic 2).

  3. Send Gladly topics CSV file to your implementation team.