Below you will find the default Gladly value and settings.
Default Channels
Channels are accessible via the Channels page on Gladly. For more information on Channels, please read this article.
Phone: 1 local US phone number
SMS: 1 local US SMS number (same as number above)
Glad App Self-Service Widget: 1 Web chat embed code
Help Center: 1 Help Center embed code
Email: 1 email address
Default IVR
IVRs are accessible through the IVR page on Gladly. The Default IVR is associated with the default local phone number Gladly purchased on your behalf above. For more information on how to manage IVRs, please read this article.
The experience is as follows:
Customer calls in
If customer phone number is blocked, IVR hangs up on them. Otherwise, proceed with the following.
If it is outside of business hours, during holiday dates, or a close-the-phones situation, then the customer is prompted to leave a voicemail by pressing 1
If customer presses 1, they are allowed to leave a voicemail
Otherwise, the IVR hangs up on them
If it is within business hours, a greeting message plays, followed by a QA recording
A menu then plays asking the customer to press 1 if they want to SMS instead
If customer presses 1, an SMS is sent saying “Thanks for contacting us! How can we help?”
If SMS is successful, a success message plays and the IVR hangs up on the customer
Otherwise, an error message plays and we go to step #6
If the customer presses any other option other than 1, or does nothing, the customer is placed inside the voice queue and directed to the SAMPLE All Channels inbox
Default Queue IVR
IVRs are accessible through the IVR page on Gladly. This Queue IVR is associated with the default local number Gladly purchased on your behalf above. For more information on how to manage IVRs, please read this article.
Every 45 seconds, if no agents are available to assist the customer, the IVR offers the customers to press 1 to text with the customer instead, or 2 to leave a voicemail
Pressing 1 will send a text message to the customer. If it is successful, the IVR plays a success message and hangs up
Pressing 2 will give customers instructions on how to leave a voicemail, then allow them to leave a voicemail
If the text message is not successful, or the customer chooses to hang on the line / presses anything other than 1 or 2, the customer will be sent back into the voice queue. In 45 seconds, they will hear the above menu again
Default Proactive IVR
IVRs are accessible through the IVR page on Gladly. This Proactive IVR is not associated with any default number on Gladly as it is utilized in Proactive campaigns. It can be found in the "Inactive" tab on the IVR page. For more information on how to manage IVRs, please read this article. For more information on Proactive Voice management, please read this article.
When this IVR is used as a proactive outbound IVR, it will:
Detect if the call was answered by a voicemail, or person
If the call was answered by voicemail, leave a message for the customer and hang up
If the call was answered by a person, play a greeting message, then send the customer into the queue to reach an agent
Default Rules Added
Rules are accessible via the Rules page on Gladly. For more information on Rules, please read this article.
SAMPLE | Email | 'OOTO' Auto-Close: Auto-closes any conversation with OOO type language in the email subject. Helpful if you are sending email blasts from your support email and get auto-replies
SAMPLE | Email | Subject Keyword Escalation: Re-assigns any new conversations with the word "supervisor" in the email subject. Update this if you'd like to alter escalations
SAMPLE | EMAIL | Outside Business Hours Auto Reply: Responds with an out-of-the-office email auto reply when outside of default business hours
SAMPLE | Email | Generic Auto-Reply: Sends an auto-reply out when a new conversation comes into [email protected]. Change this to your actual auto-reply and email address if you'd like
SAMPLE | Email | Auto-Reply 'Returns': Sends an auto-reply out when a new conversation comes in where the email subject matches return returns, return order or return status. Note that if this auto-reply triggers, Gladly will not send the other auto-replies that could potentially match the email!
Reassignment rules: Unassigns conversations breaching certain SLA thresholds from the current Agent if Agent is offline, so that other Agents can handle them.
Default Business Hours
Business Hours are accessible via the Business Hours page on Gladly. For more information on Business Hours, please read this article.
Open: 9AM to 5PM America/New_York timezone Monday to Friday
Closed dates: 12/23/2021 5PM ET - 12/27/2021 9PM ET
Default Inboxes
Inboxes are accessible via the Inbox page on Gladly. For more information on Inboxes, please read this article.
SAMPLE All Channels: All communication Channels by default go here
SAMPLE Escalations: For supervisors
Default Channel SLAs
Channel SLAs are accessible via the Channels page on Gladly. For more information on SLAs, please read this article.
Voicemail: 10 minutes
Chat: 5 minutes
SMS: 10 minutes
Email: 24 hours
Voice: 1 minute
Default Topics
Topics are accessible via the Topics page on Gladly. For more information on Topics, please read this article.
SAMPLE - Exchanges
Default Relationship Labels
Relationship Labels are accessible via the Relationships page on Gladly. For more information on Relationships, please read this article.
Exec Admin
Default Agent Statuses
Agent Statuses are accessible via the Agent Status page on Gladly. For more information on Agen Statuses (e.g.: Away vs. Active), please read this article.
Break: Away
Lunch: Away
Meeting: Away
Other: Away
Work: Active
Default Conversation Settings
24-hour conversation reopen window. More information on conversation reopen windows can be found here.
Topic is required to close conversation manually, but requirements can be updated on the Conversation Workflow settings page.
Default Idle Timing
Idle Timing is accessible via the Idle Timing page on Gladly. For more information on Idle Timing, please read this article.
Away: 10 minutes
Logged Off: 90 minutes
Default Answers
Answers are accessible via the Answers page on Gladly. For more information on Answers, please read this article.
SAMPLE | All-Channel Answer: An example of how to create an all Channel answer, with best practices!
SAMPLE | Agent Greeting: An example of an agent greeting for emails, using a variable for the customer name. Agents can set their greeting in their Agent Profile. Alter this to spruce it up to your brand needs
SAMPLE | Agent Signature: An example of an agent signature for emails, using a variable for the customer name. Agents can set their signature in their Agent Profile. Alter this to spruce it up to your brand needs
SAMPLE | Auto Reply Answer: An example auto-reply, sent to new email conversations using the Auto-reply sample rule. Spruce this up to match your brand guidelines
SAMPLE | Returns Auto Reply: An example auto-reply answer, specific to returns
SAMPLE | Exchange Notification: An example answer of placing an exchange on behalf of a customer
SAMPLE | Email | After Hours Auto Reply: An example answer auto-reply when it is currently outside of email business hours
Default Help Center
The Help Center is accessible via the Help Center page on Gladly. For more information on Help Center, please read this article.
The default Help Center configured has one section configured called "SAMPLE Heading" and one Answer in this section called "SAMPLE public answer title"”