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Before you start
We recommend not adding an Entry Point(s) until you're ready to receive incoming requests
Upon adding a new Entry Point, incoming requests from that Entry Point automatically route to the corresponding Channel's primary Inbox. For example, upon adding Instagram Messaging as an Entry Point, direct messages from your Instagram account will automatically create a Conversation in Instagram Channel's default inbox.
Voice/SMS – Phone numbers can be purchased and held onto until you can complete the setup by connecting them as Entry Points.
Chat (Glad App) – Upon configuring Glad App, it's available to receive incoming chat requests as soon as it's embedded on your website. Chats are routed to the Chat Channel's default Inbox.
Social Channels – Upon adding a social Channel Entry Point (e.g., Instagram, or WhatsApp), messages automatically route to the social Channel's default Inbox.
Email – Once an email address is added, it's ready to receive inbound emails in the email Channels' default Inbox as long as email forwarding is activated.
Use Exceptions to link an Entry Point to a different Inbox if you don't want to use the Channel's default Inbox.
Select an option
Don't skip a step
Follow each step carefully to ensure the number purchase and set up process is completed successfully.
Purchase a new phone number
Purchase a new phone number
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the Channels category, click Voice.
The Voice page shows a list of phone numbers currently in Gladly. These numbers are available as Entry Points.
The Initial IVR column shows if the number is linked to an Initial IVR. This is blank if it's not.
The Queue IVR column shows if the number is linked to a Queue IVR. This is blank if it's not set up.
Click Set Up Voice.
Step 1, from the prompt, click Get a new phone number.
Phone numbers outside the US or Canada – If you require a number outside of the United States or Canada, please contact Gladly Support. These numbers cannot be purchased through the Gladly UI and may require a Professional Services engagement fee due to additional compliance and documentation requirements.
Step 2, the Search Phone Numbers modal automatically populates (available) phone numbers in the United States listed in random order. Still, you can narrow your results by capability, city, or area code.
[A] Country – Default is United States. You can also choose Canada.
[B] Type – Search local or toll-free numbers (United States or Canada only)
[C] Capabilities – Voice is selected by default (can't be unchecked), so the numbers displayed all have Voice capabilities. Click the SMS and/or MMS box if you'd like to see available numbers with those capabilities.
Voice numbers purchased with SMS capability also appear on the SMS settings page to be configured for SMS support.
[D] Filters Number By – Search criteria options: Area Code or Contains:
Area Code – Search for numbers by area code (e.g., 415, 909, etc.) or by city (e.g., San Francisco, Riverside, etc.). You must enter the complete name of the city if searching by city.
Contains – Search by numbers using specific patterns. For example, entering "GLAD" could return "4523" if available.
[E] Available Phone Numbers – List of phone numbers available based on search criteria
Capabilities – Icons represent the phone number's other capabilities: Voice, SMS, and/or MMS.
[F] View other numbers – Pagination appears if more numbers are available.
Click Search to narrow your search by capability, city, or area code.
You will be presented with up to 30 phone numbers. If you reach the end of the paginated results, click Search again to load more numbers, but remember that some numbers may not reappear on the new list.
To select a phone number to purchase from the list, click Select Number.
Step 3, you'll be asked to review your request to purchase a new phone number, including details like the city, type, and capabilities. Click Buy Number to confirm your purchase.
You'll be charged a monthly fee to keep this number and other usage charges. See Voice Pricing for more billing information.
Step 4, a confirmation modal will appear that the phone number has been successfully purchased. Click Next.
Closing the modal at this point by clicking X cancels the configuration process, but the phone number is yours. You can set up and configure the phone number at a later time. See Use an existing Gladly phone number to learn how.
Step 5 presents the A2P 10DLC Registration or Toll-Free Number Verification process, depending on the type of number (Local or Toll-Free) being purchased. This is not required if you only use the number for Voice, but if you decide to use the number for SMS/MMS.
A2P 10DLC Registration – If you plan on using the 10DLC (local) number for SMS/MMS messaging, the number must be registered first. Fill out the registration form
and wait until Gladly notifies you when the registration is complete before setting up the number and using it to communicate with Customers. You'll also need to ensure your website and IVR are aligned with SMS Compliance requirements to avoid regulatory issues and penalties. Otherwise, you can continue the setup process.
Note – If you're planning to use the new 10DLC number for SMS, and you've already registered a previous Local number for use with SMS via A2P 10DLC Registration with Gladly, please contact Gladly Support with a P4 priority to add this new number to your existing registration. There's no need to complete the registration form again.
Note – If you plan to use this new 10DLC number for phone calls only, please file a Gladly Support inquiry with a P4 priority to deactivate SMS capabilities for this number so you won't run into regulatory compliance issues. If you decide to use the SMS number, you must contact Gladly Support and request that the SMS be activated.
Toll-Free Number Verification – Toll-Free numbers used for SMS/MMS must be verified, or the number of messages will be extremely limited and will have a higher chance of getting marked as spam by carriers. Fill out the verification form and wait until Gladly notifies you when the verification is complete before setting up the number and using it to communicate with Customers. Otherwise, you can continue the setup process.
Note – If you plan to use this new TFN number for phone calls only, please contact Gladly Support with a P4 priority to deactivate SMS capabilities for this number so you won't run into regulatory compliance issues. If you decide to use the SMS number, you must contact Gladly Support and request that the SMS be activated.
Click Next if you decide not to verify or register the number.
Step 6, you're given the following options for the phone number you just purchased. The next steps depends on what you decide to do.
Yes, activate voice – Activate voice services for the phone number. You can choose to link your IVR to this number or use it as a direct line only.
No, don't activate voice – Activate Voice services for the number later. You can come back at a later time to activate Voice services.
Yes, activate voice
Choosing to activate Voice capabilities on step 5 for the phone number brings you to the configuration page, where you can link the number to an IVR or use it as a direct line. This is also when the Entry Point for the number is available on the Entry Points settings page.
Select an option:
Yes, I want to link this number to an IVR
Link the phone number to an IVR to present callers with options first, then connect them to the Agent who can best help them.
Step 6, selecting Yes, I want to link this number to an IVR, brings you to step 7 to select the Initial or Queue IVR for the phone number.
You'll need to select an Initial IVR and/or Queue IVR. You must select at least one.
Create an IVR if you need to build a new Initial or Queue IVR. Once the IVRs are published, you can link the phone number to these IVRs on the Voice page.
Clicking X on step 7 cancels the Voice configuration process and defaults the number as a direct line (no IVR).
Step 7, click the Initial IVR drop-down list to select an Initial IVR, and/or click Queue IVR drop-down list to choose a Queue IVR.
Selecting a Queue IVR exposes the Queue IVR Wait Duration (in seconds) setting. Enter how long a Customer waits for an Agent before hearing the Queue Music and the Queue IVR recordings. We recommend setting a value between 30 to 45 seconds.
Click Next.
Step 8, you'll be asked to link the Inbox(es) you want the calls routed to based on the Exit node(s) on the Queue and/or Initial IVRs you have selected, which are configured in the Entry Points settings page.
Click the Go to Entry Points link on step 8 to access the Entry Points settings page.
See Link Exit Nodes to an Inbox to learn how to link Exit nodes to an Inbox.
Click Next when you're done.
Step 9, Voice setup is complete at this point, and the number is ready to be used for phone calls.
You can edit your phone number settings (e.g., update Initial or Queue IVR, change queue or hold music, etc.) anytime.
Follow Test IVR Updates to learn how to test your IVR.
Click Done.
No, I don't want to link this number to an IVR. I want to use this number as a direct line only
Skip the IVR and queue callers directly to an Inbox to wait for an available Agent.
Step 6, selecting No, I don't want to link this number to an IVR, brings you straight to the Entry Point settings page.
Step 7, you'll be asked to link your phone number to an Inbox where you want the calls routed.
Click the Go to Entry Points link on step 7 to access the Entry Points settings page.
Find the number you purchased on the Entry Points settings page and link the number to an Inbox.
Click Next again when you're done.
Step 8, Voice setup is complete at this point and is ready to be used.
Click Done.
No, don't activate voice
Choosing not to activate Voice capabilities on step 5 for the phone number completes the purchase. Still, the number remains unusable until configured for Voice, either with an IVR or as a direct line.
Step 6, while the number is purchased at this point, it's not ready to be used for Voice, but it can be configured for Voice later.
Click Done.
Use an existing number
Use an existing number
Configure phone numbers (e.g., link the number to an IVR or link the number to an Inbox) that you purchased but did not complete the setup. Phone numbers where you selected No, don't activate voice during the purchase process appear here.
on the top left corner of the screen.
Click Settings.
Under the Channels category, click Voice.
The Voice page shows you a list of phone numbers that are currently in Gladly. These are numbers available as an Entry Point.
The Initial IVR column shows if the number is linked to an Initial IVR. This is blank if it's not.
The Queue IVR column shows if the number is linked to a Queue IVR. This is blank if it's not.
Click Set Up Voice.
Step 1, click Use an existing Gladly phone number from the prompt, then click Next.
Step 2 shows phone numbers that you have purchased but have not configured. Find the number you want to configure and click Select number next to it.
Step 3, depending on the type of number (Local or Toll-Free) being configured, presents the A2P 10DLC Registration or Toll-Free Number Verification process. This is only relevant if you plan on using the number for SMS/MMS. Otherwise, click Next if you’ve received either the registration or verification approval from Gladly or if you don't plan on using the number for SMS/MMS.
A2P 10DLC Registration – If you plan on using the 10DLC (local) number for SMS/MMS messaging, the number must be registered first. Fill out the registration form and wait until Gladly notifies you when the registration is complete before setting up the number and using it to communicate with Customers. You'll also need to ensure your website and IVR are aligned with SMS Compliance requirements to avoid regulatory issues and penalties. Otherwise, you can continue the setup process.
Note – If you're planning to use the new 10DLC number for SMS, and you've already registered a previous Local number for use with SMS via A2P 10DLC Registration with Gladly, please contactGladly Support with a P4 priority to add this new number to your existing registration. There's no need to complete the registration form again.
Note – If you plan to use this new 10DLC number for phone calls only, please file a Gladly Support inquiry with a P4 priority to deactivate SMS capabilities for this number so you won't run into regulatory compliance issues. If you decide to use the SMS number, you must contact Gladly Support and request that the SMS be activated.
Toll-Free Number Verification – Toll-Free numbers used for SMS/MMS must be verified, or the number of messages will be extremely limited and will have a higher chance of getting marked as spam by carriers. Fill out the verification form and wait until Gladly notifies you when the verification is complete before setting up the number and using it to communicate with Customers. Otherwise, you can continue the setup process.
Note – If you plan to use this new TFN number for phone calls only, contact Gladly Support with a P4 priority to deactivate SMS capabilities for this number so you won't run into regulatory compliance issues. If you decide to use the SMS number, you must contact Gladly Support and request that the SMS be activated.
Step 4, choose if you'd like to link the number to an IVR or use it as a direct line only.
Select an option:
Yes, I want to link this number to an IVR (existing number)
Link the phone number to an IVR to present callers with options first so they can be connected to the Agent that can best help them.
Selecting Yes, I want to link this number to an IVR brings you to step 4 to select the Initial or Queue IVR for the phone number.
You'll need to select an Initial IVR and/or Queue IVR. You must select at least one.
See Create an IVR if you need to build a new Initial or Queue IVR. Once the IVRs are published, you can link the phone number to these IVRs on the Voice page.
Clicking X on step 4 cancels the Voice configuration process and defaults the number as a direct line (no IVR). The number can be configured to use with an IVR at any time.
Click the Initial IVR drop-down list to select an Initial IVR, and/or click Queue IVR drop-down list to select a Queue IVR.
Selecting a Queue IVR exposes the Queue IVR Wait Duration (in seconds) setting. Enter how long a Customer waits for an Agent before hearing the Queue Music and the Queue IVR recordings. We recommend setting a value between 30 to 45 seconds.
Click Next.
Step 5, you'll be asked to link the Inbox(es) you want the calls routed to based on the Exit node(s)on the Queue and/or Initial IVRs you have selected, which are configured in the Entry Points settings page.
Click the Go to Entry Points link on step 5 to access the Entry Points settings page.
See Link Exit Nodes to an Inbox to learn how to link Exit nodes to an Inbox.
Click Next.
Step 6, Voice setup is complete at this point, and the number is ready to be used for phone calls.
You can edit your phone number settings (e.g., update Initial or Queue IVR, change queue or hold music, etc.) anytime.
Follow Test IVR Updates to learn how to test your IVR.
Click Done.
No, I don't want to link this number to an IVR. I want to use this number as a direct line only (existing number)
Skip the IVR and queue callers directly to an Inbox to wait for an available Agent.
Step 3, selecting No, I don't want to link this number to an IVR, brings you straight to the Entry Point settings step.
Step 4, you'll be asked to link your phone number to an Inbox where you want the calls routed.
Click the Go to Entry Points link on step 4 to access the Entry Points settings page.
Go to the Voice section and select the number you purchased, then link the number to an Inbox.
Click Next.
Step 5, Voice setup is complete at this point and is ready to be used.
Click Done.
Port or forward a phone number from another provider
Port or forward a phone number from another provider
To port or forward a number you already own for voice calls into Gladly, you’ll need to contact Gladly Support. Once your request has been processed, the number will be available in Gladly to configure.