For launched customers only
This section is applicable to you and your team only if you've launched Gladly! If you are not yet launched, please continue working with your implementation team.
Congratulations on your launch!
Congratulations on your Gladly launch! We are extremely excited for you to be part of the Gladly family.
Close towards the end of your implementation, a member of the Gladly Support team will reach out to you with information over email on how to set up your Gladly Support account, and introduce you to your Gladly Customer Success Manager (CSM).
You will also be signed up for our weekly release newsletter, so be on the lookout for release notifications Wednesday evenings!
Your Gladly champions
At the end of your implementation, your Gladly implementation team will formally roll off and you'll transition to working with your Gladly CSM and the Gladly Support team.
The Gladly Support Team will assist you with day-to-day issues: from bugs, how-tos, and configuration requests.
Your Gladly Customer Success Manager will be your champion for all non-support related topics and will serve as a liaison with Professional Services for any additional projects, ensure you are maximizing our product capabilities and act as an escalation point at Gladly.
Your Gladly Account Executive will continue working hand-in-hand with your Gladly CSM on strategic opportunities and expansions.
Other Gladly resources
Other than your Gladly team, be sure to check out our help docs - which not only contain information on how to use Gladly but also best practices and tutorials. We suggest bookmarking the following:
The Gladly Help Site: Contains information on releases, product documentation, and product usage best practices.
The Gladly Developer Site: Contains information about Gladly's APIs, integrations, and even integration tutorials!
The Gladly Status Page: Contains information about any planned maintenance activities and/or downtime notifications.