Adjust Idle Timing


Gladly auto-sets an Agent to Away after a certain number of minutes inactive, then auto sets them to logged out after a certain number of minutes inactive after that. Click here to learn more about idle timing.

This allows Gladly not to auto-assign Conversations to an Agent who is not working actively in Gladly, and ensure Customers are served efficiently.

For default idle timing information, see default settings.


Set up idle timing according to business needs.

Estimated Effort

15 minutes

Step-by-Step Tutorial & Best Practices

  1. Go to Settings > Idle Timing.

  2. Adjust idle timing if needed.

  3. Keep in mind, this is set across all Agents! So if many Agents frequently spend lots of time in external systems, you should increase auto-Away time to accommodate this behavior.

  4. You should always train Agents to manually set themselves as Away when leaving their computer or go not ready for channels if they cannot receive more work. This way, they won't get auto-assigned work.