Can we hide Glad App during non-business hours to prevent chats from coming in?



Since your team might not work 24 hours a day, Administrators can configure Glad App to only appear on your website during office hours every day of the week.

You can configure your office hours based on the day. These hours are based on your organization-level time zone configuration.

See the Office Hours section to configure when Glad App is visible on your website. Once configured, review the Display Rules to understand how Glad App will behave based on your current configuration.

Situations where a chat may come in after-hours

Customers may start a chat after hours in the following scenarios:

  • They finished onboarding before business hours closed but did not send a message until after. In this case, the chat will still go through (e.g., if they finished onboarding at 4:59 PM and sent the first message at 5:01 PM after business hours closed at 5:00 PM).

  • Their computer clock is off. Glad App uses the Customer's computer time instead of the server time. If the server time is 5:01 PM, but the Customer's computer clock is 4:59, they can still chat in.